My journey through MALAT

category critical pedagogy

Into the Mystic (Or: How I learned to get over myself and offer my OER to the greater good)

When student works are openly licensed, granting 5R permissions in their use of artifacts, each work becomes the beginning of an ongoing conversation in which other learners participate as they contextualize and extend the work in support of their learning…. Continue Reading →

Video killed the radio star (or: how Edtech is going to steal my job)

I might be dating myself here, but I remember when MTV (or Much Music in Canada) came on the scene. With it came a whole new revolution in music. We, in fact, became known as the MTV generation. With it… Continue Reading →

Something Wicked this way comes

I had the opportunity to present at a symposium recently.  I was trying out a new workshop and is often the case I went on too long. I wasn’t able to use the part of the workshop that I was… Continue Reading →

No OER is an Island.

This past couple of weeks I was part of a team project that took an existing OER and adapted it. It was an enjoyable experience. The co-creation with fellow students brought different perspectives, different skills, and different strengths. What really… Continue Reading →

Late to the party.

I have a confession to make, I am late to the OER party.   This past year I embarked on pursuing my Master’s degree in Learning and Technology and, as such, have been introduced to the concepts of Open Education… Continue Reading →

A1- Shouldn’t instructional design be flexible?

Thomas (2010) states, “The medium does not dictate the design” (p.185). As we use the medium of instructional design models and theories, one must ask, are we, as teachers and instructional designers, becoming too beholden to our structure? Thomas’ statement… Continue Reading →

Enough about me, let’s talk about them! (EP-05)

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post called “If it ain’t broke, break it”.  In the post, I discuss how I fundamentally changed the way I am teaching. In this episode of the teachable podcast, I bring in… Continue Reading →

Sometimes a little empathy goes a long way.

“Chad, can I talk to you for a second?” It was 2:15 pm. I use this time to get ready for my class the next day. I do my photocopying, get tests ready, come up with problems for the students,… Continue Reading →

If It Ain’t Broke, Break It!

Faux Punk Fatigue I’ve been teaching trades now for over nine years.  I’ve got some pretty tried and true systems set up.

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