(by writing this, am I manifesting it to happen?)
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As our MALAT cohort approaches our final projects and thesis papers it’s exciting to consider how our research, hypothesis, ideas, and outstanding questions might be shared and integrated with our professional practice. The primary reason why I have chosen to further explore accessibility in digital learning and how that is influenced by AI-powered LLMs (Large Language Models) is because increasing accessibility for learners with disabilities and neurodivergent learners is one of my passions. The volunteer work I do at my organization with my disability advocacy groups (with the global Allianz Beyond group as well as the focused group for our Allianz Partners brand) is one of the most satisfying aspects of my Instructional Design work, and I’m therefore excited to share what I’ve learned through my DLRCP project with my Allianz colleagues.
The first way I’m hoping to share my research is with those Allianz Learning & Development colleagues through a webinar and by sharing a job aid on our global learning team’s knowledge base (a SharePoint site). I have experience hosting webinars and sharing resources already, and have a global audience through which I can share this. I have the opportunity to work within my own disability advocacy groups (Allianz Beyond & Allianz Partners Beyond) to promote these activities, as well as a newly-formed digital accessibility community of practice. We don’t have any specific communities of practice bridging our differently Learning & Development teams globally, but we could ask our Human Resources team (under which Learning reports) to help us build such a group in order to disseminate best practices in digital learning design and learner support.
Secondly, I’m hoping to present my findings at next year’s Institute for Performance and Learning conference, which would be occurring in late-November 2025. I have attended this conference before (and will be attending again this fall) and know that they often look to I4PL members to present project-based research findings. Presenting at the I4PL conference would both be a good opportunity for Allianz (who is sponsoring by DLRCP research) as well as for me personally to share connections with others in the corporate learning world. These conference sessions are typically 50 minutes long, with at least 20 minutes reserved for questions from the audience. If I do chose to continue with my graduate studies after my MALAT program, having presented at the I4PL conference would be a reputable accolade which I could include on a CV or program application.
What do you think of my two proposed distribution channels? Are there others you think I should consider?
A solid plan here for disseminating your research Andrea. I’d encourage you to look at additional conferences and perhaps any that also publish conference proceedings. Are there any professional journals or organizations that publish articles or pieces by members? If so they might be interested in having you write a piece for dissemination to members or through their contacts. Nice work on this.