I have come to discover that my educational background has created an ingrained desire for independent learning. While isn’t always a negative, it does come with its challenges. The ideas around transactional distance (Anderson & Dron, 2014), and the opportunity to place myself within their adapted transactional distance quadrants, showed me that I tend towards instruction that is low-structure/low-dialogue. My desire for independence in learning might be connected to a desire for “independence”, or desire to have no record, in my digital presence.

Within my digital presence I seem to favour communities that enable me to slip in and out without being noticed. These groups and sets (e.g., LinkedIn groups and Twitter hashtags) allow me to pick the content I need without having to invest time and effort into the conversation. This level involvement keeps me from being a contributing member of the community and may have negative consequences if it carries over into my MALAT group. My desire for individual freedom should not deter from our MALAT cohort creating a Community of Practice which will work together, build relationships, and share resources (Wenger, 1998).


Anderson, T., & Dron, J. (2014). Teaching Crowds: Learning and Social Media. Athabasca University Press. https://doi.org/10.15215/aupress/9781927356807.01

Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System. Systems Thinker, 9(5), 2-3. https://participativelearning.org/pluginfile.php/636/mod_resource/content/3/Learningasasocialsystem.pdf