Dissemination of Research

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For my Applied Research Project, I hope to explore additional ways to provide high-tech Augmentative and Alternative communication options for students in K-12. While the time constraints of this project might limit my ability to develop new technology, I hope this research can provide insight into how schools can better support students with complex speech needs by examining and identifying other digital tools that can be used to support communication. A goal of this research project will be to bring awareness and share understanding. 

When thinking about how I will disseminate my research, there are several options I could explore. First, I would love to be able to use my research to bring awareness and understanding of AAC to my district. In our district, our Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP) do the majority of the training and programming when it comes to AAC. The SLPs in our district are spread thin. The SLP that currently works at my school also serves eight other schools with a focus on early intervention in elementary schools. Therefore, little time is available to support middle years. We see our SLP for an hour every two weeks. I hope to use my research to be another resource for teachers in school to consult and support AAC users. I can share my research through individual consultation in my role as an Inclusive Education teacher as well as during our district professional development days. Furthermore, I would ideally like to share my research with our school SLPs to be another support utilized in schools. 

Additionally, I would like to publish my research in a journal. ISAAC is the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. ISAAC publishes articles “ related to the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) that report research concerning assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and education of people who use or have the potential to use AAC systems; or that discuss theory, technology, and systems development relevant to AAC” (tandfonline n.d., para, 5). This will fit the scope of my research. There are several other requirements that I plan to explore further as I begin to develop my research paper. 


Augmentative and alternative communication (no date) Taylor & Francis. Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=iaac20&page=instructions#.VfsY5hFVhBc

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