First, I would like to thank Dr. George Veletsianos for taking the time to answer some of our questions in our final class assignment.
One of the questions posed was, “What foundational research studies or areas of research around adult learning and technology should an aspiring research practitioner or designer explore, and why? If this question was asked pre-COVID-19, would the answer differ, and why or why not? “
Listening to Dr. Veletsianos’s podcast, much emphasis was placed on not limiting our reading and to always keep exploring and expanding our research. Reading synthesized material and summarizing research will help us grow into good researchers. These summaries give us a big picture of what’s going on. Reading these lets us learn about trends, gaps in what we know, and what needs more research.
Another point that stuck out was how tech and teaching Influence each other. Technology and teaching are not separate things. They can change each other. Typically, teachers come up with ways to teach and then pick the right technology. Dr. Veletsianos said, “PowerPoint may change my teaching, but my teaching may also dedicate how I use PowerPoint.” (2023). Sometimes, new technology can change how we teach, and learning about this relationship shows us how to make the most of technology and teaching.
These are just a few points that stuck out to be taken into consideration when thinking about how technology changes teaching to understanding the best ways to use our resources for learning. By reading and learning from research, we can become pros at using technology to help people learn better.
Veletsianos, G. (2023, August 14). LRNT 522 Questions & Answers about Research by George Veletsianos: Teams One, Two, and Three Responses.